Consulting Services
From time to time an author encounters a special publishing situation that requires the input of a publishing professional. It may be a question of designing an effective proposal for presentation to a publisher, or of finding the right strategy to make a book work. It may also be a question of undertaking specific kinds of research in order to zero in on particular markets or audiences for a published or unpublished work.
RLA can help you with a range of strategies designed to help get your book the attention it deserves, even if we do not represent you as a client within the Robert Lecker Agency. These consulting services are available on an hourly or contract basis.
Editorial Services
In addition to providing the full services of a literary agency, we also offer private editorial services for people who want assistance in developing their proposals or books. We draw on a group of established writers and editors to develop effective presentations or to improve the quality of written work that is being prepared for submission to a publisher.
These services are provided on a completely confidential basis. We can work on an hourly basis for short term projects, or on a contract basis for more detailed projects that require services extending beyond two weeks.